Parents coming together to make a difference
The Interested Parent Inc. (the Parents' Club) was formed to support our children at Lake Castle Private School in New Orleans. Specifically, the Parents' Club sponsors many activities for the students at school and we also raise money in support of school programs. This includes, but is not limited to,
providing the school with supplementary learning aids,
providing recreational and social activities,
providing students with academic recognition and awards.
Please take a moment to join the Parents' Club under the Membership tab and support our students at Lake Castle Private School in New Orleans. Also, don't forget to check out our raffle baskets under our Spring Basket Raffle tab.
Lake Castle Merchandise
Credit Cards are accepted through the Parent Club Online Marketplace
Official Lake Castle Logo Merchandise is sold by the Parents' Club year round. If you are in need of purchasing any items, please visit our Online Store. The purchased items will be delivered to your student's homeroom. If you have any questions, you can leave a message with the school office for our Merchandise Committee Chairperson.